suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

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suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

Post by M-Quigley » ... ZWNXOXOGE/

On the video it mentions that at least one shot was fired, didn't say if it was from the stolen gun or not, or if the shot occurred before or after the suspect got control of it.

After going to a house the Dayton police responded and while outside the house they heard one gunshot, which turned out to be the suspect shooting himself.
DAYTON — A person is dead after they took a gun from a deputy and shot themselves Friday afternoon.

Around 1 p.m. a Montgomery County Jail inmate was getting treatment at Kettering Health Dayton when he managed to escape after violently assaulting and overpowering the deputy assigned to him, according to a media release.

The inmate, whose name has not been released, was able to take the deputy’s gun and run from the premises prompting a large response from law enforcement.

Within minutes, the suspect was found by the Dayton Police Department with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

He was pronounced dead by hospital staff shortly after.

The deputy who was assaulted sustained non-life-threatening injuries and is recovering, the media release states.

No Kettering Health employees or patients were injured.

The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office said they have requested the Dayton Police Department to lead the criminal investigation into the shooting.
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Re: suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

Post by marca »

Another story with a happy ending …
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Re: suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

Post by ESAFO »

marca wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:33 pm Another story with a happy ending …
The only down side is the officer got the snot beat out of him.
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Re: suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

Post by M-Quigley »

ESAFO wrote: Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:47 am
marca wrote: Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:33 pm Another story with a happy ending …
The only down side is the officer got the snot beat out of him.
I've been told from a very reliable source that among the details of how it happened, the deputy allegedly was a she, not a he.
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Re: suspect at hospital in Dayton takes deputies gun, escapes, later shoots himself

Post by M-Quigley »

I probably should correct something I said in the post above. I could have sworn my source said the LEO was a she not a he, and someone else who heard this source said they heard "she" also, but WHIO said "he had his gun taken". I have to take WHIO's word for it for now, as the Sheriff's dept. is not naming the deputy or what they plan on doing about it administratively. My source is not here at the moment to confirm what I thought I heard.
The initial reports from multiple news sources was that the deputy had "their gun" taken, and IDK if WHIO just used the term "he" generically of if they actually know anything.

In 2022 the Mont. Co sheriffs dept contracted with Merchants security to guard inmates in the hospital but an incident happened where a guards gun was taken away and after that the Sheriff's dept said that they were going to use deputies from that point on. Apparently using deputies is no guarantee that an inmate won't get a hold of someone's gun either. ... KJDL26OCE/
n June 2022, a Montgomery County inmate shot and killed himself and a security guard after taking the guard’s gun while at Miami Valley Hospital.

Brian Booth, 30, was being treated in a private emergency department room when he overpowered 78-year-old Darrell Holderman of Franklin and took his gun before shooting him and fleeing.

Booth shot himself in the hospital parking lot, according to Dayton police.

Holderman was working for Merchants Security, which contracted with the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office to provide security for inmates admitted to the hospital. Holderman had multiple skull fractures and lacerations to his hands from the struggle with Booth, according to police.

Following that incident, the sheriff’s office announced it will have deputies stay with inmates who are taken to area hospitals for health care needs.
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