East Cleveland under fire for allegeding racist social media memes

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East Cleveland under fire for allegeding racist social media memes

Post by M-Quigley »

https://www.whio.com/news/local/ohio-po ... BWD2LMMIA/

Not being from NE Ohio I'm not familiar with East Cleveland's politics, or what their political or racial makeup is. According to the story some now want to look at past cases he's been a part of, I guess to find something where his alleged racism might've made a difference.

In the video, at 0:30 there is a cartoon about a white cop shooting different types of people. I've seen this meme before, but it was posted by someone who allegedly was black and a supporter of BLM, so how can it be racist? I was once told by a black person and an alleged "social equity" expert that it is impossible for a black person to be a racist, "because they don't have the power." :?:

The reporter asked the chief if he had ever sent or received certain memes and he said yes. I thought the question about receiving certain memes was unfair. If I'm on a site where multiple people are posting stuff, and I'm reading the posts and someone happens to post a allegedly offensive meme how does that make me racist if I didn't repost it or like it?

At 1:50 the reporter asked him his opinion on the accusations that his social media memes are racist, and he gave a very short answer, and then challenged them to report it.

A nephew of mine not too long ago applied for a job and they demanded access to all of his social media accounts before they would interview him.
If you claim to not be on social media they won't interview you either. :( I didn't know this was a thing now, but according to many links it is. Here is just one example.

In case someone is wondering how this subject relates to CC and firearms, a guy in Texas was convicted this year for shooting a protester who was armed with an AK, and much of the case centered on the defendants social media posts, as this related to motive and state of mind prior to the shooting.
Mas Ayoob recently did an article on how social media and internet posts might be used or misused against you in court.

https://www.asalesguy.com/told-coming-n ... ce-no-job/
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Re: East Cleveland under fire for allegeding racist social media memes

Post by Brian D. »

That first link was too full of pop ups, etc. for me to wade through. I'll wait for the movie..
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Re: East Cleveland under fire for allegeding racist social media memes

Post by M-Quigley »

Brian D. wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2023 6:28 pm That first link was too full of pop ups, etc. for me to wade through. I'll wait for the movie..
They're not showing up on my end but then I have a pop up blocker. I imagine with any news source nowadays that is not subscription this is going to be
an issue.

Here are just a sampling of some other links. This is off topic but something interesting I found on the jpost site, I thought it was a little light
considering the nature of the crime. Then again, IDK how old the kid is.
Last week, an Ohio boy pleaded guilty to planning a mass shooting at the Temple Israel synagogue. At his hearing, he was sentenced to a year of probation and ordered to submit a book report about Carl Lutz, a World War II diplomat who saved Jews.
https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemi ... cle-779362

https://www.cleveland19.com/video/2023/ ... -messages/

https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2023/12/2 ... l-vpx.woio

https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local ... 6b39344563

https://www.wfmz.com/news/cnn/us-nation ... 449da.html
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Re: East Cleveland under fire for allegeding racist social media memes

Post by schmieg »

M-Quigley wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:18 amThis is off topic but something interesting I found on the jpost site, I thought it was a little light
considering the nature of the crime. Then again, IDK how old the kid is.
Last week, an Ohio boy pleaded guilty to planning a mass shooting at the Temple Israel synagogue. At his hearing, he was sentenced to a year of probation and ordered to submit a book report about Carl Lutz, a World War II diplomat who saved Jews.
A better report would have been on Simon Wiesenthal who hunted those who killed Jews. Might have made more of an impact on consequences.
-- Mike

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