Shooting wounds 4 in Beavercreek Walmart

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Shooting wounds 4 in Beavercreek Walmart

Post by Klingon00 » ... a134ca70ce
A gunman opened fire Monday evening inside a Walmart in Ohio and wounded four people before killing himself -- the second shooting in 24 hours to take place at a store operated by the retail giant.

The attack at the Walmart in Beavercreek, a suburb of Dayton, just days before Thanksgiving injured four shoppers: three women and a man. Police said three were in stable condition and one of the women in critical but stable condition on Tuesday afternoon at area hospitals.
Was this the same Walmart where there was a wrongful death lawsuit over a police involved shooting years ago? viewtopic.php?t=90931
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Re: Shooting wounds 4 in Beavercreek Walmart

Post by FormerNavy »

Klingon00 wrote: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:29 pm ... a134ca70ce
A gunman opened fire Monday evening inside a Walmart in Ohio and wounded four people before killing himself -- the second shooting in 24 hours to take place at a store operated by the retail giant.

The attack at the Walmart in Beavercreek, a suburb of Dayton, just days before Thanksgiving injured four shoppers: three women and a man. Police said three were in stable condition and one of the women in critical but stable condition on Tuesday afternoon at area hospitals.
Was this the same Walmart where there was a wrongful death lawsuit over a police involved shooting years ago? viewtopic.php?t=90931
From what I read in the news.... yes.
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