Woman criticizes how hero saved her

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Woman criticizes how hero saved her

Post by kcclark »

If you had not heard, a guy fired a warning shot in a NYC subway tunnel to get an attacker to stop mugging a woman. The subway police arrested the "vigilante" ("vigilante" is not used in this article but I've seen it in other articles about why the subway cops arrested him). And now, the woman who was mugged thinks her hero should have used other means to save her. The people who did not help her are crap and the guy who did help her is crap. :roll:
I would likely think him a bigger hero if he tried to help me without the gun.
https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/11/12 ... s-n2166226

Colion Noir put out a video about the incident yesterday.

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Re: Woman criticizes how hero saved her

Post by pk47 »

Some of the best trainers out there today advocate the "not my people, not my problem" philosophy. Reading this, I tend to agree.
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Re: Woman criticizes how hero saved her

Post by M-Quigley »

pk47 wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:55 am Some of the best trainers out there today advocate the "not my people, not my problem" philosophy. Reading this, I tend to agree.
Probably where this came from


Like Colin Noir said in the video, not enough information or a video to say exactly what he should've done. As for myself, I carry mostly to protect myself and my family. I'm not a security guard or cop anymore. I'm not a sheepdog nor am I a sheep. If I ever were to get involved in a 3rd party situation I would want to be reasonably sure what is going on, and serious enough to warrant getting physically involved, even with a non lethal option.

Here is just one example of people getting involved in a 3rd party crime, it was not even their car. :(
As Pollack told us last week, a man standing near what was later revealed to be a stolen vehicle took off after they asked if he was alright.

Their decision to chase after him led both men to be shot.

Arick and Pollack confronted the suspect who opened fire on them. Pollack suffered a minor gunshot wound injury to his leg, but Arick’s injuries were more serious.

Doctors discovered eight gunshot wounds on the 39-year-old.
A preliminary investigation showed that the suspect crashed into several cars on the street and tried to run from the scene.

Shannon Pollack lives near where the crash happened. He went outside and saw two people standing down the street.

“I said, ‘What’s going on’ and they just bolted,” Pollack told News Center 7.

He and a neighbor followed them and confronted them.

“I cornered them and said, ‘Hey, you guys can’t leave. We got to have the police here,’” he recalled.

As the men stood there, Pollack sensed something was wrong.

“I tell you, it happened so quick. It was just like an instinct. Before he pulled (the gun) out, I started running. I knew something wasn’t right,” he said.

Pollack was hit in the leg, but his neighbor was shot multiple times and taken to Miami Valley Hospital.

Police have described the suspect as a “slender black male,” between 16-30 years old, wearing a face mask, ripped jeans, and a dark-colored hoodie.

https://www.whio.com/news/local/hard-co ... AYSDGQDW4/

I personally don't have a problem with him that he was carrying in a prohibited area or that he didn't have a license, I think NYC and NY should do away with those things. I myself would obey the law in NYC even though I think it's wrong, but if I was carrying illegally I sure as heck would not be using it unless it was absolutely positively the only safe choice left. If it's that kind of situation I'm not going to waste time and rounds on warning shots.
Being NYC, no matter how justified it might be for me to pull the trigger, I'm going to assume that I will be charged. :(
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