The results of trying to trying to stop a suspected criminal for police without a gun

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The results of trying to trying to stop a suspected criminal for police without a gun

Post by M-Quigley » ... SFYTVCQII/
A preliminary investigation showed that the suspect crashed into several cars on the street and tried to run from the scene.

Shannon Pollack lives near where the crash happened. He went outside and saw two people standing down the street.

“I said, ‘What’s going on’ and they just bolted,” Pollack told News Center 7.

He and a neighbor followed them and confronted them.

“I cornered them and said, ‘Hey, you guys can’t leave. We got to have the police here,’” he recalled.

As the men stood there, Pollack sensed something was wrong.

“I tell you, it happened so quick. It was just like an instinct. Before he pulled (the gun) out, I started running. I knew something wasn’t right,” he said.

Pollack was hit in the leg, but his neighbor was shot multiple times and taken to Miami Valley Hospital.

Police have described the suspect as a “slender black male,” between 16-30 years old, wearing a face mask, ripped jeans, and a dark-colored hoodie.
The bolded part says a lot. :roll:
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Re: The results of trying to trying to stop a suspected criminal for police without a gun

Post by M-Quigley »

and a follow up on the shooting victim. ... AYSDGQDW4/
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