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Rogue Hollow Park
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 1:38 pm
by WeinerDog
I’ve been driving thru Rogues Hollow since my teenage years. Just recently noticed this little area which is nothing more than trails thru the hollow. There is a small building with some sort of historical items that can be seen through glass. I noticed this sign when I pulled in, which of course didn’t stop me from carrying as I’m sure the park is not in compliance with 9.68.
This is just. Chippewa Twp. Has no connection to any Metro or National parks that I can think of. Sign has probably been here at least 20 years." onclick=";return false;
Re: Rogue Hollow Park
Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 7:24 pm
by Brian D.
Yeah, you'll still see that out of date, now incorrect and perhaps unlawful signage around Ohio sometimes. White Out and Sharpie markers can fix these problems.
Re: Rogue Hollow Park
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:37 am
by WeinerDog
Re: Rogue Hollow Park
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:06 pm
by Brian D.
I have done that a few times. Once was at state owned property along the Little Miami River, mostly used for launching canoes and kayaks. The signage was obviously out of date. The list of posted regulations included a firearms prohibition. Another rule stated "No campfires". Funny that, because the place had recently added a couple concrete and steel fire rings just beyond the picnic shelter.
I did the Sharpie style "editing" over two years ago, and it remains that way to this day.
At a township owned play park/neighborhood garden near Cincinnati, I used White Out® to properly amend an out of date firearms/airgun/archery equipment ban. Kept checking the township's website for a few months; they must have consulted their legal counsel and fixed things. The firearm language was removed from their books, and the new signage reflected that. Plus, they posted the paperwork inside a locked glass case.
"Sometimes the low road will take you places that the high road won't."