Linking to other stories/websites

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Linking to other stories/websites

Post by Daniel »

I've noticed an increasing number of posts that are nothing more than a link to a story on another site, or contain just a small quote.
• No "document dumping" - Do not forward complete/fractional stories from other mailing list, other news sources, websites, etc. You MAY post a URL pointing to a story but you MUST include a brief description of the link and what someone will find if they go there. That description MUST include the relevance to concealed carry and the State of Ohio. If you post just a URL and something in the subject, it will be deleted. Include details or don't post the URL.
If you want to post a link, at least tell what that link is going to. Summarize the content briefly and post a bit of commentary so people know what the link goes to and why you feel it is relevant.

While it isn't technically against the rules, I'd like to see some better subjects for posts as well. "Check this out" or "not again" tell the forum user absolutely nothing about what to expect in the thread.
Last edited by Daniel on Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Daniel White
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Re: Linking to other stories/websites

Post by dan_sayers »

Daniel wrote:While it isn't technically against the rules, I'd like to see some better subjects for posts as well. "Check this out" or "not again" tell the forum user absolutely nothing about what to expect in the thread.
I have this same pet peeve on another board I belong to. You get quite a few "a question" topic titles. Nevermind the fact that every thread is either a question or the sharing of something :P
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Post by SMMAssociates »


What's fun is when you've only got ten characters or so to use for the "Subject"....

Lots of "HELP!"

Agreed on the linking issues - I usually wander down the thread a few posts (if possible) to see what the quote's about.


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