Is the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati a CPZ

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Re: Is the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati a CPZ

Post by FormerNavy »

djthomas wrote:On a related note of signage, before my grandmother-in-law passed she lived in a retirement/nursing facility that was posted. However if one took the time to read the sign it said something to the effect that weapons were permitted on premises unless the person was exempt per ORC 2923.12.

Trouble (for them) is, licensees are exempt from 2923.12 under division (C)(1)(b). One could argue that they really only meant to exempt police officers, but the problem is the statutory exemptions from 2923.12 all live in (C). Law enforcement are exempt under (C)(1)(a). Without being more specific one can reasonably infer that any of the exemptions listed under (C) are sufficient. Words mean things and someone's sloppy wording on a sign is their problem.
I don't disagree with the legal analysis... I'm not sure a cop who is deciding whether or not to arrest you would agree vs letting the courts figure it out.
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Re: Is the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati a CPZ

Post by djthomas »

FormerNavy wrote:I don't disagree with the legal analysis... I'm not sure a cop who is deciding whether or not to arrest you would agree vs letting the courts figure it out.
Speaking from experience (thought not in the CCW context) cops aren't going to let the courts sort it out on their own initiative. There's several steps before it reaches that point.

in most cases if there's ambiguity as to whether or not low level offense occurred and the suspect is decent, cooperative, and can be located later they're going to be set loose pending a prosecutor ruling. Before it even gets to court the officer has to justify himself to at least one superior officer. Then they have to swear out the complaint and deal with the wrath of the prosecutor when he reads the report. Meanwhile there's a defense attorney gunning for discovery because he smells a screw up. 95% of the time when a misdemeanor has occurred there is absolutely no reason that charges must be brought that day, particularly when there is some doubt as to whether a crime actually occurred. Pushing bad arrests without seeking counsel will quickly annoy people who have some say-so over your ability to succeed in the profession.

On the other hand if I kick it for pros rule I'm merely a fact finder. "I encountered this person, he said X, he did Y, see photos of the signage in question attached." The prosecutor looks at the facts, analyzes the relevant statutes and precedents and decide whether or not probable cause exists to proceed with charges. A well timed call to the prosecutor by a defense attorney while something is in that stage can make a difference, and the astute potential defendant will let his lawyer know when he had a law enforcement encounter that might result in charged being filed.

At least that's how things tend to work in small to medium sized cities. In big cities like Cleveland the cops are probably more likely to laugh and compliment you on your choice of carry piece as they wish you a good day. Of course there are no guarantees how any given situation will play out. An M4 is just not worth their time - these are guys who will dump an entire bag of weed down a sewer and walk away rather than arrest someone unless they really need arresting.
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Re: Is the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati a CPZ

Post by Hyflyer »

I was at the Aronoff this evening. I didn't notice any signs anywhere.
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Re: Is the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati a CPZ

Post by rainmaker »

There last night for a performance of Cinderella. Front doors had circle slash "no smoking" signs etched in glass. Noticed no other "relevant" signs inside or out. This version of Cinderella is a delightful show, by the way.
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