Religious Discussions No Longer Allowed

See this forum for the rules that govern users engaging in discussions on this website. Includes links to the Ohioans For Concealed Carry privacy policy.

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Religious Discussions No Longer Allowed

Post by Daniel »

Due to some rather heated religious discussions which have recently ensued, it is the decision of the Forums staff to no longer allow such discussions.

These types of discussions tend to quickly escalate into heated arguments, as very few people like having their core beliefs challenged and can be quite sensitive.

Debating religion on a gun forum is not going to change anyone's viewpoint or convert them to your way of thinking. Since they have not historically contributed anything positive to the environment here, they will no longer be allowed.

The following has been added to the forum rules:
• Any discussions directly relating to or debating religious topics are prohibited. These types of discussions have a track record of quickly becoming contentious and rarely contribute anything positive to this board. Your religious beliefs and opinions are your own, and they should stay that way here.
In accordance with the Term of Service, this rule will be retroactively enforced and discussions in violation will be removed.

This topic is locked because this decision is not open for debate.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Daniel White
NRA Training Counselor
Northcoast Firearms Training

We must carry arms because we value our lives and those of our loved ones, because we will not be dealt with by force or threat of force, and do not live at the pleasure and discretion of the lawless. - Jeff Snyder