Car break in victim in Akron takes back his rifle, holds suspect until police arrive

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Car break in victim in Akron takes back his rifle, holds suspect until police arrive

Post by M-Quigley » ... WPWGBEYVQ/
The victim told police he saw a teenager break into his car and take his rifle from the back seat, according to WOIO.

The victim ran out of his workplace, tackled the suspect, and took back his gun, WOIO says.

The man kept the teen restrained until police arrived, according to WOIO.
Brian D.
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Re: Car break in victim in Akron takes back his rifle, holds suspect until police arrive

Post by Brian D. »

Teen was also charged with assaulting a police officer. Going to be harder to plead out this incident now.
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

1911 and Browning Hi Power Enthusianado.
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Re: Car break in victim in Akron takes back his rifle, holds suspect until police arrive

Post by pk47 »

Glad this worked out well.

BUT your car is not a holster, as Greg Ellifritz and many others say. At least keep it out of sight better than the back seat.
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Re: Car break in victim in Akron takes back his rifle, holds suspect until police arrive

Post by M-Quigley »

pk47 wrote: Wed Jan 29, 2025 11:41 am Glad this worked out well.

BUT your car is not a holster, as Greg Ellifritz and many others say. At least keep it out of sight better than the back seat.
and yet if you look up "Car gun" or "truck gun" you'll find all kinds of references and recommendations. Questions from people like "How do I protect the finish of my gun if it is exposed to the heat and sunlight being stored in my car?" :roll: Or, "Do they make something that holds a my car gun that will fit in my cup holder?" (they do, or did at the time the message was posted) :roll: I know some people will say, "Back when I was a kid we had rifles in the back window of my pickup in the parking lot of my local HS and there was no problem". I was one of those kids. That was then, not 2025. :(

Part of the advice given on what to buy was to buy a cheap gun, so if it's stolen you won't be out much. :( Nowadays in some places I think that word "if" should be "when", particularly if it's in plain sight and unsecured.

I understand that there might be many good reasons to leave a gun unattended in a car, but when I leave my CCW gun in my car it's secured and not in plain view. They make products that secure a rifle or shotgun also. A friend of mine has to temporarily secure a rifle in the front seat of his truck when he gets out when he does parking lot safety surveillance, or to go inside the building for some reason. It is also concealed from plain view. If someone does break in it's going to take time to steal the rifle, not just snatch and grab and run.

Out of the pages of responses to one "car gun" question, I think the most accurate one nowadays was

"Around here a "car gun" is a gun that is going to be unwillingly donated to the local youths to be used in their criminal activities."
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