Hello all.
This is my first post. i think i understand the rules, but if i break any - please let me know.
This is a complicated story, and has many wrong-doers.
Recommendations/Referrals Requested PLEASE!
Issue: Aug 2023. Female in her 60’s alone accosted outside of her home, but on her own property, by male neighbor with whom she has documented 10 yrs of threats of physical violence and harassment.
When he approached her, she immediately yelled at him to “get TF away from her” fleeing away from him as he approached her into her garage. Male continued advancing toward her and was in her driveway at OH door entrance to garage. She retrieved a BB gun kept in the garage, displayed it, and again ordered him to get away from her. He fled.
He then had his wife place a 911 call. The wife initially represented falsely the Woman had pointed the gun at her, the wife, which was untrue. When she couldn’t answer dispatcher questions, the wife handed phone to husband who stated the Woman had come on to his property, stolen a plant, and when he confronted her, the Woman pulled a gun on him and pointed it at his head. Columbus Police responded.
CPD encountered the Woman, (who did not know police were called or present) in her garage holding a firearm she had retrieved from within her home and on her cell phone.
CPD ordered Woman out of her garage. Cuffed, frisked and detained her in a cruiser. Property was seized (BB gun and firearm) from within Woman’s property with no arrest and no warrant. [Both remain in CPD custody over a year later!]
Woman asked if she was under arrest and what for? Ofc told Woman “no, she was not under arrest”. Ofc then told Woman she was being transported to HQ to talk with detectives and would be held at county lock up.” Enroute, Ofc held phone conversation with unknown person, stating “(she) was in her garage when CPD arrived”. Ofc then stated to Woman, “we are going to take you to HQ, photograph, print you and bring you back home. Charged with Aggravated Menacing 2903.21. Prosecuted.
The police report and the charging document were both falsified by CPD stating falsely, “(the Woman) was exiting her garage with weapon in hand when they arrived.”
Body/cruiser cam video has been obtained and verify verify claim of falsification.
The Woman declined Plea offers. Because Woman refused to a plea, the PUBLIC DEFENDER sought Competency evaluation. Woman was found Competent. The PD, with prosecutor, without the Woman’s knowledge or agreement, arranged to have case Dismissed. The Woman’s public defender caused psychologist to reverse opinion. The Woman was adjudicated Incompetent - with no path to competency - FOR LIFE and sentenced to LIFETIME Weapons Disability.
Sentence currently being appealed.
However, Woman is tenant and is currently being evicted based on SYG action in Aug 2023. Eviction action is illegal.
Need: 1. to stop that legal action. 2. To pursue accountability for all involved.
Advice, Suggestions, Recommendations, Referrals?
Thank you in advance for any assistance you may provide.
Kind Regards
Prosecuted & Eviction for employing SYG
Moderators: Chuck, Mustang380gal, Coordinators, Moderators
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- Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:06 pm
- Location: Western Ohio
Re: Prosecuted & Eviction for employing SYG
This isn't a rule, just a suggestion. When posting something that is long, it is easier to read if you break it into paragraphs instead of one long block.
Regarding this comment,
As far as evictions, I know that public defenders can get involved in eviction cases, because one of them got involved with one of our tenants when we rented out a house once and had to have a tenant evicted because she refused to pay the rent, even though an agency was literally giving her the money to pay the rent with. The tenant lost the case anyway though. I don't know if the system uses the same lawyers for criminal cases and for evictions, or whether they have separate lawyers for eviction cases.
Regarding this comment,
I've never heard of a situation like this before, but it's not mentioned why the public defender allegedly caused the psychologist to reverse the opinion, after the prosecutor wants to have the case dismissed. I'm not a lawyer however, so there's a lot of things I haven't heard of.The PD, with prosecutor, without the Woman’s knowledge or agreement, arranged to have case Dismissed. The Woman’s public defender caused psychologist to reverse opinion. The Woman was adjudicated Incompetent - with no path to competency - FOR LIFE and sentenced to LIFETIME Weapons Disability.
As far as evictions, I know that public defenders can get involved in eviction cases, because one of them got involved with one of our tenants when we rented out a house once and had to have a tenant evicted because she refused to pay the rent, even though an agency was literally giving her the money to pay the rent with. The tenant lost the case anyway though. I don't know if the system uses the same lawyers for criminal cases and for evictions, or whether they have separate lawyers for eviction cases.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Wed Oct 02, 2024 5:43 pm
Re: Prosecuted & Eviction for employing SYG
Thank you for the posting formatting advice - Will do.
i think the atty that represented that tenant would have been a Legal Aid atty. (Rent is and always has been on time/early so not the issue here. And the owner stated in writing it was the act of defending myself that precipitates her action.)
PD's are provided in criminal cases per the Constitution, but civil law does not guarantee representation.
i agree with you - there is no case such as this that i or any of the attys i have contacted have heard of. All can do is speculate. i am guessing that if one does not "play nicely" in the meat grinder that is our judicial system, one is punished. Based on the tone and tenor of conversations with all involved - it was clear to me 1. This baby attorneys had no clue what they were doing, and 2. the expectation of all was that one will accept what is alleged by police and "make a deal" "to make it go away". The idea of innocent until proven otherwise or clear and convincing evidence is not anything these people know about or consider. i was stunned as we are in Ohio. Our laws coupled with my actions were not criminal by any stretch - i thought maybe for a minute we were in the Twilight Zone... i believe they are all colleagues and it was in their collective best interests to dispose of me. i just have not encountered an attorney sufficiently outraged to take up this fight, Any referrals welcome.
Thank you for the response.
i think the atty that represented that tenant would have been a Legal Aid atty. (Rent is and always has been on time/early so not the issue here. And the owner stated in writing it was the act of defending myself that precipitates her action.)
PD's are provided in criminal cases per the Constitution, but civil law does not guarantee representation.
i agree with you - there is no case such as this that i or any of the attys i have contacted have heard of. All can do is speculate. i am guessing that if one does not "play nicely" in the meat grinder that is our judicial system, one is punished. Based on the tone and tenor of conversations with all involved - it was clear to me 1. This baby attorneys had no clue what they were doing, and 2. the expectation of all was that one will accept what is alleged by police and "make a deal" "to make it go away". The idea of innocent until proven otherwise or clear and convincing evidence is not anything these people know about or consider. i was stunned as we are in Ohio. Our laws coupled with my actions were not criminal by any stretch - i thought maybe for a minute we were in the Twilight Zone... i believe they are all colleagues and it was in their collective best interests to dispose of me. i just have not encountered an attorney sufficiently outraged to take up this fight, Any referrals welcome.
Thank you for the response.