Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

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Brian D.
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Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

Findlay is a group of meat/produce/other food markets under one roof, with other similar businesses nearby. For years it was city "owned", or at least funded, because the neighborhood was so lousy it bled money. Now it's making tons of bucks due to gentrification.

Anyhow, entrance doors are posted with "No handguns" signs. Think I'll go talk with ownership about the long gun OC walk I'm planning.. :mrgreen:

When Findlay Market was city funded/owned, they at least had the "No Guns" signs right.
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

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Javelin Man
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Javelin Man »

One gas station had a large sign outside the wall that specifically stated "No Concealed Weapons". I open carried everytime I went in with no problems after the first time when I just stood outside the door and waved my money for them and made them come to the door since I couldn't go in. One clerk did ask where she could get .380 ammo one of the times. The sign was taken down after a couple years.

Good luck with the handgun sign, Maybe they'll see their folly.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Aesinsp »

Javelin Man wrote:One gas station had a large sign outside the wall that specifically stated "No Concealed Weapons". I open carried everytime I went in with no problems after the first time when I just stood outside the door and waved my money for them and made them come to the door since I couldn't go in...
That is an interesting tactic - I'm taking notes.
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Brian D.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

I took a picture of the market's door signage today:

"No pets"
"No handguns"
"No smoking"

I'm left to wonder if virtually everything else is okey dokey with them.
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

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Brian D.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

Don't want to get deep in the weeds here, but normally "No Pets" signs these days specify an exception for service animals. And the "No Smoking" signs are often added onto with a prohibition against vaping as well.

The "No Handguns" rule is equally baffling to me.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Bearable »

Here is what I found.

Finlay Market is owned by the City of Cincinnati.
It is operated by “Corporation for Findlay Market” (CFFM) a 501(c)(3) non-profit corp.
“CFFM and the City of Cincinnati entered into a lease and management agreement that authorize CFFM to manage and operate the market. Those agreements were renewed in 2009. The City of Cincinnati continues to provide some operating funds. In other words, they receive tax dollars.” Per their website.

CFFM’c charter says:
The purpose of the corporation is to preserve and promote the historical, traditional, and cultural aspects of Findlay Market as a treasured living landmark of the greater Cincinnati community. To accomplish this purpose, the corporation shall have the power to:
d) Secure and maintain a lease and/or management contract with the City of Cincinnati for city-owned facilities located in the Findlay Market District of the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood, including but not limited to the Findlay Market House, North Retail Addition, Findlay Farmers Market Shed and parking lots.
g) Work with appropriate City of Cincinnati officials whose jurisdiction includes City property and public market concerns.

Their lease with the City is more than likely like the lease with the 501(c)(3) operating some of the City park locations, Washington park and Fountain Square. Those agreements make it clear that they must comply with ALL federal, state and local laws.

From what I have read open carry is only prohibited in very specific places that is open to the public. Findlay Market not being one of them.

Am I wrong?
Brian D.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

Thanks for all the background research. I have a few takeaways from this:

1)The main market building is government property. The surrounding buildings, nope.

2) The surrounding neighborhood, where you'd park, is still FAR from "gentrified".
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by audiovizwiz »

So because the market receives state funds, it has to comply by state laws for a public place? So whats the verdict,the sign is bunk and holds no weight under the law? Because also the sign in notcompliant under 2923.1212 of the Ohio Revised Code where the sign must substantially state the following, "Unless otherwise authorized by law, pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code, no person shall knowingly possess, have under the person's control, convey, or attempt to convey a deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance onto these premises." Verdict on this one?
Brian D.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

Hi. Yes I'm digging this up, because of being at Findlay Market right now. Still the same silly combination of prohibitions posted on the doors:
-No pets
-No handguns
-No smoking

That's why government is the goofiest landlord of them all. The neighborhood is still a long way from being great.
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

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Brian D.
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Re: Findlay Market, Cincinnati, weird signage.

Post by Brian D. »

In the last few months, Findlay Market finally changed the verbiage from "no handguns" to "no firearms".

They market employs custodians who are apparently expected to provide a modicum of security, with no means to do so, save verbally. Seeing that makes me roll my eyes like "Undertaker" from the WWE. Not my circus not my monkeys.
Quit worrying, hide your gun well, shut up, and CARRY that handgun!

1911 and Browning Hi Power Enthusianado.
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