Ohio Republicans proposing changes to Ohio gun laws

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Ohio Republicans proposing changes to Ohio gun laws

Post by M-Quigley »

I'll try to post this fast, before I get knocked off again, all my words lost, and have to sign in again for the 4th time. :(

https://www.abc6onyourside.com/newslett ... rs-say-yes

I agree with Eric Delbert, judges still have wide discretion. What good is it to increase maximum penalties when judges aren't doing that now?
Plus, this story didn't address juveniles committing violent crimes. One Democratic Ohio politician talked about how he was tired of hearing about
12, 13, 14 yr olds shot and killed, yet a lot of gun crime is now being committed by suspects under 18. Some juvenile suspects have glocks with switches to make them full auto, and according to one news source is doing squat about it, because they are juveniles, and some local jurisdictions aren't doing anything about it either because they expect the ATF to do something about it.
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Re: Ohio Republicans proposing changes to Ohio gun laws

Post by JustaShooter »

The biggest benefit I see to this bill is that is allows reinstatement of rights even if the offense doesn't remove your rights under Ohio law, like some parts of USC 18 922 g do.
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Re: Ohio Republicans proposing changes to Ohio gun laws

Post by Liberty »

I assume the discussion here regards HB 522. The bill number is not mentioned here or in the linked article.

Anyhow, is there a problem that I am unaware of with people who have had their rights restored by another state committing “gun crimes” in Ohio that would justify the proposed changes in line 1851 of HB 522 that would result in prohibiting them from acquiring a CHL in Ohio?

See page 62: https://search-prod.lis.state.oh.us/sol ... format=pdf
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