DOJ wanting to know who is watching certain types of videos, including gun videos

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DOJ wanting to know who is watching certain types of videos, including gun videos

Post by M-Quigley » ... 4929573101
he DOJ is ordering Google to release the names and addresses of YouTube viewers who watched specific videos.
The twitter link is just a fox news video link talking about a forbes article. You don't have to pre reg with fox news to see it, and it's only about 2 minutes long. THE term gun videos is not specific and could include cc or self defense type videos.
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Re: DOJ wanting to know who is watching certain types of videos, including gun videos

Post by WhyNot »

I'll say 3 words;

VPN :lol:
Acquisitions thus far:

-Butter knife
-Soda straw and peas
-Sharpened pencil
-Newspaper roll
--water balloon (*diversionary*)

Yeah, I'm that good
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