Issue 2 news story

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Issue 2 news story

Post by M-Quigley » ... NO6YXGT3M/
MIAMI COUNTY — The general election, which includes two controversial issues on the ballot, is only days away.

Issue 2, if passed, would allow Ohioans age 21 and older to possess 2.5 ounces of marijuana in any form except extract and 15 grams of extract.

News Center 7′s Kayla McDermott spoke to voters in Miami County about the impact the legalization of recreational marijuana could have on gun owners.

“Even if Ohio makes it legal. It’s a federal problem,” Kelly Foster, owner of 1776 Firearms & Supplies said.

Foster has been around guns for the majority of his life.

“I’ve specialized in teaching pistol safety and training for (Conceal Carry) license,” he said.

He’s well aware he cannot sell a gun to anyone who uses marijuana.

“If somebody comes into the store, and they have an order of marijuana or alcohol on them at all, there’s no sale,” Foster said.

Even if people in his shop are not visibly impaired, they need to fill out a federal form before making a purchase.

“It says ‘Warning. The use of possession of marijuana remains unlawful under federal law, even if the state legalizes it, and then you check yes or no,’” he said.
If someone lies on the form, they could face time in prison.

There may be more people checking that “yes” box soon if marijuana becomes legal, and not all voters knew how this election could impact buying firearms.

When asked if she knew this was a federal rule, Megan Gariety of Covington said “I did not.”

She went on to say the law doesn’t make her feel safe.

“Because I feel like if you want a gun, you can find a gun,” Gariety said.

But that won’t be the case at Foster’s shop or any other credible firearm store.

“Marijuana users, you still cannot legally buy a gun,” Foster said.

This law works the same for those with medical marijuana cards.

They cannot buy a gun right now either, no matter what decision by voters on Election Day.
Of course there is a court case right now that could change this, at least in regards to pot.
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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by Brian D. »

A gun store in Miamisburg has big signs posted on their doors which warn potential customers of that very thing. Since then I've seen the same thing at other gun stores in Ohio. I'm sure that's the case in all states where pot has been "legalized" to whatever degree.
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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by EricTheBald »

I find myself wondering how this might affect people who use pot that is bred for THC-8, instead of THC-9.

Apparently it’s legal in Federal law, because of the way the existing law is written.

Not really an issue for me personally, because at my age the only thing pot would do for me is make me sleepy and hungry, which I can apparently manage without any chemical aids.

The question is interesting to me because it’s effectively a loophole that no one seems to have any interest in closing because no one cares enough, or wants to open that can of worms.

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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by M-Quigley »

The ironic and hypocritical thing about the question on the 4473 is there was a news report that the lawyer for Hunter Biden is allegedly going to challenge the charge against him on 2nd amendment grounds, :roll: even though the drug in question was not pot.
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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by Brian D. »

Well, this issue passed by a decent sized margin. For those of you who don't live in/near a big Ohio city that has already "decriminalized" marijuana use, get your noses ready to experience that eau de skunk spray fragrance on street corners near you.
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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by M-Quigley »

Brian D. wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:24 am Well, this issue passed by a decent sized margin. For those of you who don't live in/near a big Ohio city that has already "decriminalized" marijuana use, get your noses ready to experience that eau de skunk spray fragrance on street corners near you.
And if they smell that way if they go to a particular gun shop the owner says he won't sell them a gun. If you live with someone who smokes pot your clothes could smell whether you personally use or not. Of course edibles will be legal however. :roll: Edibles are what concerns me is kids getting a hold of them, mistaking them for candy, which has happened in other states. If the parents were responsible users they wouldn't let that happen, but then again pot use doesn't exactly cause people to be more responsible.
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Re: Issue 2 news story

Post by JustaShooter »

M-Quigley wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:11 am
Brian D. wrote: Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:24 am Well, this issue passed by a decent sized margin. For those of you who don't live in/near a big Ohio city that has already "decriminalized" marijuana use, get your noses ready to experience that eau de skunk spray fragrance on street corners near you.
And if they smell that way if they go to a particular gun shop the owner says he won't sell them a gun.
I suspect many, if not most, FFLs will adopt this policy - with good reason.
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