Fairlawn/Montrose CPZs

This forum is dedicated to the discussion of organizations that have declared their intent to cater to society's criminal element by prohibiting the legal carry of firearms on their premises. Please submit new CPZs to the DNPWA database on OhioCCW.org

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Re: Fairlawn/Montrose CPZs

Post by JustaShooter »

DOC wrote:Question about this post? It looks like I see the answer to a question I have! In the employee manual for the company I work for it clearly, state you are not allowed to have any weapons ( guns) of any kind on company property. I thought the recent states my employer cannot keep me from carrying my concealed gun to work with me and leave it in a lockbox locked in my trunk.
Correct, current Ohio law prevents property owners from prohibiting you from having a firearm and ammunition in your vehicle as long as you have a CHL, you are in the vehicle or if you leave the vehicle the firearm and ammunition are locked in the trunk or locked in an enclosed compartment or container in the vehicle.
DOC wrote: Can I get a link to this new law to share with my boss in case I get caught?
Ask, and ye shall receive: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.1210" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
DOC wrote: Then that brings up another question. I do deliveries for the company in my car should I just leave my gun in the lockbox while doing deliveries? I know some of the places I deliver to have posted lots. Which means I would have to disarm and lock my gun in the lockbox and trunk. Some of the areas I deliver to are not good areas.
I'd carry on my person whenever possible. I'd be tempted to install a lockbox in the passenger cabin of the vehicle so you don't have to exit the vehicle to disarm & lock it up when necessary so there is less chance of being seen.
DOC wrote:This is the first post I've posted in a while due to health problems back issues and a bout with breast cancer. Yes guys get breast cancer too. But I'm a very quiet person and don't talk much which means I do not post a lot or reply a lot. So any help on this post would be appreciated
Glad you are back, and I hope your recovery is going well.
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Re: Fairlawn/Montrose CPZs

Post by JustaShooter »

JustaShooter wrote:
DOC wrote: Can I get a link to this new law to share with my boss in case I get caught?
Ask, and ye shall receive: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.1210" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Regarding this, remember that Ohio is an at-will employment state, so they can fire you for almost anything. So, depending on your company & boss, it might be more prudent to do as you say here in case you are caught and they try to terminate you - and I'd be careful to get documentation that the reason for the termination is having a firearm in your vehicle. On the other hand, if they are more likely to adjust the policy if they are made aware of Ohio law, then I'd see about anonymously submitting it to them. That's how I and other CHL holders handled it with my current employer, and they've since updated the employee handbook to comply with Ohio law.
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Re: Fairlawn/Montrose CPZs

Post by DOC »

Thanks for the replies! I don't like the at-will state thing. If I was fired for the weapon thing I would make sure it was stated on my termination papers that's why I was being terminated. I do lots of things after work that I go in the opposite direction of my home.
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