A Love Story. Love at first shot.

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A Love Story. Love at first shot.

Post by Tither »

Love at first shot -- Mary Yungeberg describes her first gun and first novel.
I’ll never forget the first time with my Glock 22. Gripping the gun, it felt solid, perfectly balanced in my hands. Concentrating hard, I pressed the trigger steadily until – BOOM. Then again – BOOM – BOOM. I finished emptying the magazine and stepped back.

The grin splitting my face was huge; the adrenaline rush unbelievable. At that precise moment, breathing in the scent of gunpowder, seeing the tendrils of smoke rising from the barrel, a connection formed between me and my gun. And speak it did, whispering directly to my heart. Stick with me – I’ll keep you safe. I fell unabashedly in love.
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