Forum subjects should not be partial

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OFCC Director
Posts: 3164
Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:35 pm
Location: Northern Summit County

Forum subjects should not be partial

Post by jgarvas »

Please do not post partial forum subjects or questions that are split between the subject field and the body.

For instance, a recent contributor posted "Does anyone know why..." as the subject and finished the question in the body of the post. This is inappropriate and does not give enough information to the people who are reading the forums.

The subject line of every post should fully disclose the author's intention. By following this request, everyone will have a better idea of what is being discussed in a specific thread without having to open it, and that is the true intention of the subject field.

Posts that continue this trend will either be deleted or edited. Repeat offenders will be asked to stop privately.
Jeff Garvas, President
Ohioans For Concealed Carry

Contrary to a popular belief when I brag about OFCC accomplishments I'm not looking for your thank you or personal recognition. I'd much prefer you send me an email telling me when you are going to get involved in doing what I've been doing since 1999. We are only as effective as we make ourselves. We need the next generation of OFCC to step to the plate.

Is that you?

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